Burning Springs City

Burning Springs City
What's YOUR Super POWER?!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Second Grade Superheroes Saved the First Week of School!!!!!!

Whew! That was a quick one! Your second grade superhero saved our sweet week! Our class would not be the same without them!

This week, we:
**Took a Math and Reading placement or Benchmark exam. These are basically for me to see where the students are so that I can better plan for them!
**We began our Reading routines and read Little Red Riding Hood and Little Green Riding Hood. We talked about fables and plays while emphasizing summarizing, making predictions,and clarifying hard to understand passages.
**On Friday, we talked about our old friends, Frog and Toad Do you remember them?
I have some great memories of Frog and Toad! The kids find their quirks equally as funny today!

**In Math, we worked on missing addend one digit addition in different forms-addition sentences, numberbonds, boxes, etc. We used connector blocks and plastic trays and plates to model these often difficult concepts.

**Next week, we will begin our quest for single digit math automaticity. This means that students will practice addition facts like 0+1, 0+2, 0+3 (or we call zeroes). When they master these, they will go on to the 1's, 2's, etc. Once they master addition facts, they will go on to subtraction and maybe multiplication (if we make it that far!). For those of you that want to practice at home, I have an account at www.Xtra.org . I will send home a username and password with each student next week. This is not required, but it is encouraged! =D It only takes about five minutes per day!

**Also, next week, we will continue to establish our Whole Group reading routines and we will start sending Decodables home! Please encourage your child to read these to you at home. This will give you a good idea what they need to work on!

Look for our Newsletter on Monday or Tuesday! AND-look for those binders! My goal is Monday, but I feel like it might be Tuesday!

Friday, August 8, 2014


Welcome to our Superhero Blog!! This is your "go-to" place for assignments, spelling words, vocabulary words, test study guides and SO MUCH MORE! YOU, my friends, have a few decisions to make. 1. What will you do to make our Burning Springs City-the safest, friendliest, and cleanest city around? 2. What IS your super POWER and how will you use it to help yourself and others? 3. What is NOT your super POWER and what will you do to always try your best?

Your super teacher: My name is Mrs. Amanda Varney! I taught 1 year in Madison County before God led me to teach in Brasilia, Brazil at an American-based International Christian School. I taught Preschool, Kindergarten, and a little bit of 1st grade while there. I learned many things about people, culture, language, and love. I moved back to Manchester in 2012 to get married and landed a job at Hacker Elementary in December of that year. I taught there until last year and now, I am proud to be a Burning Springs Bobcat!!!!